
Services / サービス

– Project Planning & Management (プロジェクト企画・管理)
– Promotion Plans (プロモーション企画)
– Marketing Plans (マーケティング・プラン)

Additional services available / 追加サービス:
– Business plans (ビジネス・プラン)
– Comparative analysis (比較分析)

Please note that services are halted due to a resource-heavy project. Thank you for your understanding. (リソースを多く必要とするプロジェクトの実施に伴い、誠に勝手ながらサービスを一時停止させていただいております。何卒ご理解を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。)

Remuneration / 報酬

Business plan: from 10.000€ (depending on the size)

Complete company rebranding w/ marketing plan (3-6 months): from 100.000€
コーポレートブランディング刷新とマーケティングプラン作成 (3〜6か月):最小金額1500万円

Marketing plan for a small project: from 5.000€

Marketing plan for a medium project: from 10.000€

Marketing plan for a large project: from 20.000€ (or 2% of the project’s gross earnings if I’m directing the team)

Promotional plan (addendum): from 3.000€ (depending on the marketing plan)
プロモーション企画 (追加):最小金額50万円(マーケティング・プランに応じ)

Standard hourly remuneration (addendum): around 30€/h (depending on the work)

How to contact me / 連絡方法

You can send me an email requesting for info at:
Please note that the above is the info mail and that I will be answering from another email within this domain.

Additionally, please note that:
– Depending on the content of the inquiry, I may withhold a response, even if you have asked for an answer. (回答をお求めいただいたお問合せであっても、内容により回答を差し控えさせていただくこともございます。必ずしも回答をお約束するものではありませんことを、あらかじめご了承ください。)
– E-mails sent by me in reply are addressed to individual customers. Please refrain from reprinting or secondary use of part or all of the email without my permission. (私より送信するお客さまへのお返事のメールは、お客様個人宛にお送りするものです。私の許可なくメールの一部または全部を転載、二次利用することはご遠慮ください。)
– Due to the nature of my skills, I can provide translation work as well. However, please understand that I am not a professional translator. As such, I will always refer one to you, and we will work together. [N.B.: I do not want to have anything to do with Machine Translation/AI. I will immediately refuse any work that has MTL in its pipeline, as it shows that a company in primis does not care about their own work, and they care even less about the foreign audiences that will interact with it; I will not promote such work.] (私のスキルセットのお陰で翻訳業務もお受けできますが、プロの翻訳者ではありません。そのため、専門の翻訳者の方と連携し、共同作業で進めてまいります。機械翻訳(MTL)やAIに関わる業務はお断りさせていただきます。)

Works History / 職歴

Details about past and current employments are available upon request.